Title: Online and CD ROM Information Retrieval. Introduction to Modern Retrieval System. 15, 281-299
Author: Chowdhury, G. G. (2001)
Publisher: Library Association
Title: Boolean Searching. Understanding computers: today and tomorrow.
Author: Morley, D. & Parker, C. (2007)
Publisher: Thomson
Title: Computerized information searching. How to find Information in Science and Technology. 4, 51-71.
Author: Lambert, J. & Lambert, P. (1991)
Publisher: Library Association
Title: Searching and Retrieval. Introduction to Modern Retrieval System. 4, 170-191
Author: Chowdhury, G. G. (2001)
Publisher: Library Association
The access and scope of Online and CD ROM searching changed due to the advent of World Wide Web and the increase in the computer industry research and development of high-density recording techniques. From CD ROM stand alone systems to remote availability of resources on web, improvement on information retrieval is noteworthy as there existed a drastic booming on various free-access or with-fee online search services from online vendors all over the world, that have specially designed interfaces and search features that make the user searching easier and profitable.
CD ROM and Online Search Services system has its own search features and interfaces that would greatly influence and relate to the user search capabilities. Although the searching on these systems were made easy, the user still need to have knowledge or familiarization with these its system aspects, learn to formulate appropriate search expression and reinvent it until the satisfactory or optimum results are attained. The use of command language such as Boolean operator is also applicable for these types of retrieval systems. Price is always a major concern for both CD ROM and Online Information retrieval.
In my institution, I do online searching to check the details of some new songs. Doing online searching is very helpful to me because I am always positive that in my every search I will be getting the most recent information I wanted since online information are most likely up-to-date. Thus, if ever I need to make some corrections regarding the details of any material, I can easily provide the exact details of it (provided that the network connection is stable). And if I am still in doubt regarding the material details I got, I can easily make comparisons of content or information from the sites based on the evaluation of source cited and authorship (determining which among those sites is the most authoritative).
For me, I can say that I still CD-ee Future of some CD ROMs in the up-coming years. I believe that, with the aid of technology, people in the computer industry would still give effort to do researches on the high end recording techniques, hence, there are still chance that they could develop optical disks with high capacity and longer usability as storage device. Although we cannot normally get the recent information from CD ROM based system (since updates are available only through purchase of new CD ROMS every now and then) still retaining these materials will be beneficial for us because we can have source of information that we can access anytime without needing any network connection or working online---- I think information on these formats are useful because it can somehow readily answer basic factual information query (those not in need of very detailed inputs) like encyclopedias and dictionaries on discs. Although data lost could occur if discs are used frequently; but in a normal function, we could maximize its use and retain it until five years.
Although I am not using CD ROM based in my institution, given a chance I want to try this CD ROM based services if ever there will be available materials that might call my clientele interests. Retrieval wise, I can say that the response time of CD ROM would be shorter than ONLINE because online based search do retrieve for information on almost all databases available on web while CD ROM are subject specific and bound to discs.
It can never be denied that we are now continuing ON LINEage, hence, whether or not we like it, more or less we will be using web based system, since information here are adequately available and accessible anytime and anywhere provided that you have the computer that is capable of networking and also the other facilities required.
We can never go wrong with being traditional. CD ROM is useful, information from this can be use as supplements and back ups of whatever we have online. It is the safest source when the online system went down. Although the initial cost of this system is expensive. I guess it would still be worth the price in a long run.
Having said all these, I think it is a better to have a mindset that are open to possibilities and options that we could put these materials together, get a grasp of its usability to the extent of our abilities.
We should learn how to CD-ee the future ON LINEage. We should see the future on the connections (lineage) of these materials. It is true that these materials might not provide same inputs because information from here varies, but I do believe that with the aid of technological “continuity on lineage (from printed-CD ROM based to online)”------ whatever differences that these technologies will have now will meet in same context in the end, this is, to prepare us to CDee future to get ONLINE with development. ^_^ Hence, it is not awful to get a balance of both technological advancements----- the old and the latest, nevertheless the usefulness of these materials will more or less, would really depend on us, not just on the interfaces or information that they provide, but also based on how we see, understand and evaluate how useful the information we got from it. ^_^