Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
ATHENAcious Fight: a siege of supremacy
I was lucky to have an on-hand experience of evaluating a library system in an academic school. Way back in 2004, under the supervisory of Professor Edgardo Quiros, we then evaluated the library system of San Beda College in Manila—the Athena library system.
The Athena library system at that time was still on its peak of commercialization, but now, when I checked the website of Follett Software Company who created this system, it was said that the system is now no longer available to new consumers but they still provide support to the existing users of this system.
As an introduction, I would like to mention bits of information about the San Beda College Library. This library is located at the second level of St. Maur’s Hall. The School area is approximately 66.5 meters by 13.00 meters, pretty conducive for students. ^_^
Its school library supports teaching and research in business management, law, humanities, and social sciences as integral component of their academic programs. And it is much more than a repository for the accumulated knowledge of our civilization, and it existed as a proof of individual’s heart of intellectual undertakings.
Due to the increasing demand of other researchers, the library provided online-access of catalogs of the different college collections through their OPAC (Athena version 9.11) and the CDS/ISIS--- which I think had been pretty useful at that time because the student clienteles can actually access their library accounts outside, and most importantly the information had been very accessible anytime and anywhere.
The Athena allowed various library applications for the San Beda college library including the inventory, catalog, circulation and etc. As for some schools, these are also the common applications on library system that are use.
The version of Athena that they were using then was the Athena Version 9.11, the system interface is user friendly, easy to understand.
When conducting searching on the system the clientele has to do search from the Quick Search screen, click the change collection tab, and then Athena will display the list of Collection, then Click on the Collection tab you want to Active (CL-College Library Collection, LL-Law Library Collection, MB- MBA Library Collection, PC-Periodical Collection), Enter a word or phrase then press SEARCH. After that the screen will display number of titles available and if the book is on loan, like in any other OPAC system, when you click on to the desired title, the screen will display the full details.
Included on the package was the legal periodicals Index (Index to republic Acts, executive others and other Special Laws), Mendiola Consortium Index to Philippine Periodicals (MENDIOLINK) and Computerized Index to Periodical articles on CDS-ISIS (MS-DOS Based), which had not been use adequately because it cannot be networked, unlike the Athena system per se that can be accessed by most clienteles in and outside the institution--- this is one of the down-side of CD-ISIS system, aside from being a system that is not user friendly.
In any institution, financial factor is always an issue, especially for those institutions who just started restructuring or establishing their systems. In the case of San Beda College, they had preferred the Athena system because the whole software then was just only less than 300,000 pesos, and the maintenance cost is less than 60,000 pesos for the software package that already includes the library applications: circulation service, inventory, catalog, marc and OPAC.
Added features has also been an important consideration, like if the system allows add/delete/change title (records), add patron or client records (for accountability purposes and user profile), and view records if access in or outside the institution.
In terms of security, the Athena system needs Backup (I think all of the library systems do need it too). This feature is present as icons on its software interface— those were labeled as back up 1, back up other, and test back up. System requirement is a crucial part of a system, because that will be a deciding factor too as to whether the institution should adopt the system or if their institution infrastructures are ready to cater the system requires, but in the case of Athena, no system requirements were much stated.
Duplication of records, is one of the area being delineated in any of library systems, as for Athena, input of all the areas of description in the catalog has a corresponding text area in the interface, and no multiple copies of records are included in the search result because there is a separate menu in the interface that will allow you to view the number of copies available; also the date of purchased and the cost of purchased material.
Another area worth considering in the San Beda library system is the CDS-ISIS. Most of us who work in a local library are I think aware of this system. As we can obviously see, this is a classical form of retrieval system.
This system is Menu Driven in Choosing the Existing Database, Changing language, Changing or Adding Data, Searching the Database, Sorting & Printing; writing on file, Creating or Updating the indexes, Creating or changing database definition, Reorganizing, exporting in ISO-format (creating a back-up of a database), Utility programs, Programming additional modules in Pascal according to ISO-format. It provides a very Comprehensive & well-organized manual and also a quite comprehensive Search Facility a. ANY file for synonyms and narrower terms, and no need for upgrades and relatively runs fast on even old type of computer.
The problem of this system is that it needs a User Manual, a very Comprehensive one. Since it is over-menu driven the interface is a bit crowded (added problem here is that it has a chromatic colored screen), and the files has no integration that’s why when viewed it is confusing. Also, it is not easy to change existing data entry sheet because the worksheet is composed of several pages and the indexing process takes a long time, lengthy process and consumes a lot of space, and the system can only accommodate six characters of database name.
But I wonder now, whether San Beda is still using the same system (I remember one of my classmates is working in San Beda), and how now they have been dealing with the setbacks created by the obsoleteness that happened on this version of Athena, most likely they have faced or might be facing now an issue on migrating their data to a more high-end system, or if not, they might just be dealing with the upgrade supports that the Follett company have been giving to them.
As for my institution, we are still in process of looking for a library system that is free—most likely we will be adopting the Libro System because it has video and archival features which I think will be helpful for my records organization and data archiving. But the hindrance to this system implementation, is that, I have to re-encode tof export to anothere version the entire records of my library since the system features is not the same with the one I am currently using in my library. The system doesn’t support the importation or conversion of files from MS Access, and also data worksheets in Excel. But of course, we still have to reconsider since that I think is the online library system we have now that will most likely meet most of our objectives, and according to Sir Romy, customization of the system if possible (that’s the good thing about it) ^_^ hence, I will just have some of its features customized. Such a relief ^_^
Going back to my earlier discussion about Athena and CDS-ISI, Actually, No one could really tell or anticipate the problem in a system unless they have tried it for quite sometime. Maybe during the evaluation of the Athena software, the library had prioritized the requirements and made sure that the chosen software meets most, if not all of their high priority requirements.
Well if will take a look at the above presented situation, there is a bigger picture presented by this scenario, that is----it is the sad reality anchored in the fast technological advancement------ NOTHING IS DEEMED PERMANENT.
The high-end or shall I say what you call “latest” you have now will be obsolete in the future. These fast tracked developments were nonetheless due to the inquisitive and creative mind of people who are continuously creating things which aims perfection to improve and develop service. The irony there is, new technology makes life easy and also difficult. It makes the life of those who can afford, easy, but shaky for those who are experiencing financial adequacies.
.... this can be liken to the Goddess Athena that was once showered its Prowess, but amidst its overwhelming skills and character, like the developed technology we have now, it can be soon be siege by its successor.
Mrs. Marlo C. Chavez
College librarian
San Beda College
Mr. Paul V. Reside
Computer Services
San Beda College
Info-Ed Marketing Corp.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Title: Web Information Retrieval. Introduction to Modern Retrieval System. 18, 331-351
Author: Chowdhury, G. G. (2001)
Publisher: Library Association
Knowledge on web use as well as the different search engines available is helpful to individual who wants a wide array of information resources. With the aid of Boolean operators on query construction and search, the eager and interested user can adequately maximize the capabilities and function of the search engine information retrieval interface.
Information professionals and specialist like us, plays vital role in the organization and access of information resources on web. We, us information specialists should keep ourselves abreast of these changes on web and rekindle our knowledge on informations around us.
Individuals who use information from web should do keen evaluations of the resources they access so that they would know which among those sites or resources has more credible and up-to-date information.
I usually use Yahoo or Google in any search that I need do, whether just for leisure or for research reference. Like most of researchers of information resources on web, I use natural language—usually I just searched using key words or sentences; sometimes with Boolean operators. I have used the advance search just recently.
I, myself, I am not that familiar with the other features of Google and Yahoo that’s why it was overwhelming to know that there are lots of things about these search engines and directory that I am still not aware of. And that we also have other search engines that are more specialized.
If I would create a précis of the nature and essence of Web and Traditional Text Information Retrieval System, and each information retrieval, I would summarize its points in form of the images shown above.
Based on images shown above…
You could decipher that, like a spider web , web branches everywhere around the world. Every information resources are linked through the internet. The users then key-in its search query (represented as question marks on the image above) on the search engine or directory; control and manipulates its word or phrase search based on his or her information needs.
Like a spider web, with its invisible and invincible strands that could reached anywhere ------ no one would really know what and who’s going to be trapped by it. Only the web or information publishers who know its purpose could actually demystify its nature of existence. As for the information retrieved, some information maybe good and palatable, while some can be considered as ghastly and some are considered useless. There sometimes there is no security of information since everyone can publish information on web (although a thorough knowledge on programming languages like html, java script or sql would be essential before they could actually produce a good site for it).
When a traditional textual retrieval system and web based information retrieval system are put side by side---- we may liken the former to an ART EXHIBIT, and the later as a FUN FAIR. Traditional textual retrieval system as an ART EXHIBIT--- has specific audience and theme, some are fee-based but mostly the new ones ( those done by new exhibitor artists) are accessible for free. Web Based retrieval system is like a FUN FAIR--- the entrance or access is free as long as you have the resource or equipment required. Once you’re inside you’re still not sure if you can access and avail of everything because majority are not for free.. Although it is entirely meant for public audience still it is profit based. Services and resources included here varies—---Some are worth the fun and money, some are scary, some are just there to occupy an ounce of space and of no use.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Battle Ground: CD ROM against Online IR
Title: Online and CD ROM Information Retrieval. Introduction to Modern Retrieval System. 15, 281-299
Author: Chowdhury, G. G. (2001)
Publisher: Library Association
Title: Boolean Searching. Understanding computers: today and tomorrow.
Author: Morley, D. & Parker, C. (2007)
Publisher: Thomson
Title: Computerized information searching. How to find Information in Science and Technology. 4, 51-71.
Author: Lambert, J. & Lambert, P. (1991)
Publisher: Library Association
Title: Searching and Retrieval. Introduction to Modern Retrieval System. 4, 170-191
Author: Chowdhury, G. G. (2001)
Publisher: Library Association
The access and scope of Online and CD ROM searching changed due to the advent of World Wide Web and the increase in the computer industry research and development of high-density recording techniques. From CD ROM stand alone systems to remote availability of resources on web, improvement on information retrieval is noteworthy as there existed a drastic booming on various free-access or with-fee online search services from online vendors all over the world, that have specially designed interfaces and search features that make the user searching easier and profitable.
CD ROM and Online Search Services system has its own search features and interfaces that would greatly influence and relate to the user search capabilities. Although the searching on these systems were made easy, the user still need to have knowledge or familiarization with these its system aspects, learn to formulate appropriate search expression and reinvent it until the satisfactory or optimum results are attained. The use of command language such as Boolean operator is also applicable for these types of retrieval systems. Price is always a major concern for both CD ROM and Online Information retrieval.
In my institution, I do online searching to check the details of some new songs. Doing online searching is very helpful to me because I am always positive that in my every search I will be getting the most recent information I wanted since online information are most likely up-to-date. Thus, if ever I need to make some corrections regarding the details of any material, I can easily provide the exact details of it (provided that the network connection is stable). And if I am still in doubt regarding the material details I got, I can easily make comparisons of content or information from the sites based on the evaluation of source cited and authorship (determining which among those sites is the most authoritative).
For me, I can say that I still CD-ee Future of some CD ROMs in the up-coming years. I believe that, with the aid of technology, people in the computer industry would still give effort to do researches on the high end recording techniques, hence, there are still chance that they could develop optical disks with high capacity and longer usability as storage device. Although we cannot normally get the recent information from CD ROM based system (since updates are available only through purchase of new CD ROMS every now and then) still retaining these materials will be beneficial for us because we can have source of information that we can access anytime without needing any network connection or working online---- I think information on these formats are useful because it can somehow readily answer basic factual information query (those not in need of very detailed inputs) like encyclopedias and dictionaries on discs. Although data lost could occur if discs are used frequently; but in a normal function, we could maximize its use and retain it until five years.
Although I am not using CD ROM based in my institution, given a chance I want to try this CD ROM based services if ever there will be available materials that might call my clientele interests. Retrieval wise, I can say that the response time of CD ROM would be shorter than ONLINE because online based search do retrieve for information on almost all databases available on web while CD ROM are subject specific and bound to discs.
It can never be denied that we are now continuing ON LINEage, hence, whether or not we like it, more or less we will be using web based system, since information here are adequately available and accessible anytime and anywhere provided that you have the computer that is capable of networking and also the other facilities required.
We can never go wrong with being traditional. CD ROM is useful, information from this can be use as supplements and back ups of whatever we have online. It is the safest source when the online system went down. Although the initial cost of this system is expensive. I guess it would still be worth the price in a long run.
Having said all these, I think it is a better to have a mindset that are open to possibilities and options that we could put these materials together, get a grasp of its usability to the extent of our abilities.
We should learn how to CD-ee the future ON LINEage. We should see the future on the connections (lineage) of these materials. It is true that these materials might not provide same inputs because information from here varies, but I do believe that with the aid of technological “continuity on lineage (from printed-CD ROM based to online)”------ whatever differences that these technologies will have now will meet in same context in the end, this is, to prepare us to CDee future to get ONLINE with development. ^_^ Hence, it is not awful to get a balance of both technological advancements----- the old and the latest, nevertheless the usefulness of these materials will more or less, would really depend on us, not just on the interfaces or information that they provide, but also based on how we see, understand and evaluate how useful the information we got from it. ^_^
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Strategies in Effective Searching of Information?
The presentation was very informative for information professionals who are not familliar with the existing reference sources on web. However, for groups who are quite knowledgeable with the references presented, the entire forum would be somehow insipid.
Web 2.0 Technologies in the Library
Are they applicable to our libraries?
With the help of Web 2.0 technologies, libraries and information professionals are given a chance to explore and utilize the available web resources to promote, develop and improve the library with the active participation of the clienteles--- giving them power and opportunity to control information, as well as experience access to library services in a more special way.
Some of the most popular Web 2.0 technologies are Instant Messaging (IM), Web blogs, and RSS (Really Simple Syndication), which could potentially provide an adequate development on how library would timelessly presents and deliver its services to its clienteles.
It was a surprise to know that the concept of Web 2.0 is already in existence for quite sometime and that we are already using it, but we are not just aware that these technologies are part of the so called “Web 2.0”. I, myself, I am not familiar with the term, and I didn’t even know that IM , which I have been using for two years now, is part of it.
Instant messaging (IM) is useful for library reference service. Clienteles can easily send-in their requests and queries to the librarian or reference officer without actually going to the library. The librarians can actually respond to clientele concerns through Instant Message. IM provides auto- archive of conversations (you can actually archive the requests/ query transaction per day), show IM status on if busy or available, as well as share or submit document requests to clienteles. Instant messaging also requires familiarity with the available services of the IM, version upgrades, and most importantly, the library staff and clienteles should have create IM IDs, and also a stable internet connection in order to facilitate prompt communication of service.
Blog or Web Blog, can give a more interactive services for clienteles if used in a library set-up. Through this library can make the public know the information about its institution and library as well------ it may include data on library collection and library staff, library service hour, services available, its location and contact information. Blog can be use as an effective publicity media for the current activities of the library since it presents posts on chronological order. Moreover, library could actually include a feedback or comment section for clienteles so that they could dig up some inputs from its users, and whatever are the feed backs-- it could be an ample basis for the improvement or additional services for the library.
The combination of RSS and Weblog create a more advance and interesting services for the library. With this, libraries can provide combine and present different services from a wide variety of resources available on web (such as videos, pictures, and sounds), and make it available from one place to another. Through the use of RSS, library could supply clienteles with information that need to be read or access on a regular basis.
AUTHOR: Bradley, Phil (2007)
PUBLISHER: Facet Publishing
TITLE: Library 2.0
AUTHOR: Wikipedia (date retrieved: July 10, 2008)
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_2.0
TITLE: Web 2.0
AUTHOR: Wikipedia (date retrieved: July 10, 2008)
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0
TITLE: What is Web 2.0? : Getting Beyond the Hype of Web 2.0
AUTHOR: Kyrnin, Jennifer Kyrnin. About.com (date retrieved: July 10, 2008)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Video Lecture on HARDWARE
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and Librarian 2.0
TITLE: How to use web 2.o in your Library
AUTHOR: Bradley, Phil (2007)
PUBLISHER: Facet Publishing
TITLE: Library 2.0
AUTHOR: Wikipedia (date retrieved: July 10, 2008)
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_2.0
TITLE: Web 2.0
AUTHOR: Wikipedia (date retrieved: July 10, 2008)
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0
TITLE: What is Web 2.0? : Getting Beyond the Hype of Web 2.0
AUTHOR: Kyrnin, Jennifer. About.com (date retrieved: July 10, 2008)
Web 2.0 deals more on the combination of the technology and programming languages on resources and services available on the World Wide Web which allow users to interact or collaborate with each other, thus creating a social network. It paved way for the development and changes of different web- based communities that have undeniable applications to libraries.
Web 2.0 can be consider as an abridge representation of the present web based innovations. It allows us to have a control over the information that we create and access it through web. Encouragement for the active participation of the users is the primary idea of its development. Librarian plays important role towards the development and creation of the future Library 2.0 in which the services should be constantly evaluated and updated to meet the changing needs of its users with the aid of the concepts presented by web 2.0.
As information professionals we should make an effort to learn Web 2.0 applications especially now a day that development of information and web services is very fast. Whatever inputs we will get there should not be consider as something that would totally divert or cease our traditional functionality as librarians or information providers. Instead we should take this opportunity as a chance to break away from old service set-up towards the more dynamic and interactive library that would definitely encourage more participation from the end-user of our services.
Despite of my unfamiliarity with the various existing concept of Web 2.0 technology I can still say that this had never been a hindrance to me to learn it. There is this eagerness in me to be more participative and be knowledgeable about these advancement concepts.
I believe that knowledge on this is a good foundation towards the improvement of services for my library. Being part of a TV Broadcasting company, it is vital to have a grasp of this, for me to be adequately view its possible applications on the nature of my work.
However, as we partake on this development, we should not forget that technology has also its fallback, hence we should prepare ourselves with back ups of everything that we have----- the classic or traditional way of service is still important.
Being skilled with the web applications, it would be easier for us to join whatever advancement would happen in the future. I guess what is really important is that we are prepare and willing to learn.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Title: Boolean Searching. Understanding computers: today and tomorrow.
Author: Morley, D. & Parker, C. (2007)
Publisher: Thomson
Title: Computerized information searching. How to find information in science and technology. 4, 51-71.
Author: Lambert, J. & Lambert, P. (1991)
Publisher: Library Association
Title: Searching and Retrieval. Introduction to Modern Retrieval System. 4, 170-191
Author: Chowdhury, G. G. (2001)
Publisher: Library Association
Title of Article: Beyond recall and Precision: From System – Oriented to User- Oriented Evaluation
Author: Hersh, William (retrieved June 26 ’08)
URL: http://davinci.ohsu.edu/~hersh/user-studies.pdf
Title: Information Technology. 2006 Board Review for Librarians, 6-10.
Author: Esposo, S. S. (2006)
Publisher: Institute of Library and Information Science
One of the most important skills for internet searchers today is to how successfully they can search for information on the internet. But since most people are keen to search for specific information on the internet, often than not, most of the useful information available online is not utilized because it could not be found in time of need. However, Boolean operators aided to make these information retrievable, it is use as part of the search strategy for accessing this vast array of information.
Boolean is use to further specify what a search engine to find. Its rule varies from search sites. It plays an important role in the coordination of the search concepts. Results relevancy to the concept being searched varies, basically, results can be too narrow or too broad depending on how concepts are presented. With the use of Boolean operators, search results could focus solely on one concept excluding the other concept (NOT logic), could retrieve all relevant concepts (AND logic), or relevant documents on either of the two concepts (OR logic). Other online search sites uses (+) for AND, and (-) for NOT.
An effective search strategy is feasible through user’s knowledge of concept keywords (its synonyms and word variant forms), and the application of Boolean operator.
Knowledge of the effective search strategy is a must for a researcher. And knowing at least the basics of Boolean operators is a great advantage, and could help minimize the cost of searching.
However, although the Boolean searching is widely used in keyword searches on most computer- based and online – based system, it still has its limitations especially with regard to the retrieved references ---most searches resulted to high recall but low precision. And at the end of the search process, no matter how extent the information retrieved was , the user is still the one who decides which material among the retrieved relevant by the system are said to be relevant based on his own evaluation.
But in some cases that although the clientele is familiar with the Boolean operators, clienteles understanding about the concept that need to be searched, is still the major influencing factor on the search process since the user is the one providing the key concepts. The Boolean operator functions only as connectors that coordinate the concepts provided by the users.
Through the readings i have learned to appreciate more the importance of having knowledge in Boolean operators for information specialist like me.
The fluency with concepts of data being searched conjunct with Boolean knowledge, is a great advantage for individuals working in a library to immediately assist their clienteles on doing web-based research, and other computer based system search. And also, in a user-based system set-up, providing an accurate constructed query statement (with the aid of Boolean operators) could help limit the time cost needed for just searching for relevant references from various search sites.
Based from what I have often experienced when doing keyword or phrase searches in online- based systems, I often re-do the search because most of the hits does not match what information I need, thus, I use Boolean operators in order to find at least more relevant references that matches my search query. I can say that knowledge on these search operators definitely helped me in adapting with the challenges presented today by the modern information retrieval systems.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
prior to the application?
Title: Evaluating Information Retrieval Systems parallel with evaluating image processing techniques in medicine
Author: Milliers, H. 2003
Publisher: Division of Medical informatics-- University of Geneva
URL: http:\\www.efmi-ws-mip.net/documents
Title: Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems. Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval System, 13 (243-255).
Author: Chowdhury, G.G. (2001)
Publisher: Library Association
Evaluation is absolutely necessary in all research to show progress and to have arguments for the use of certain program or technology.
There are some complexities in pursuing information retrieval system because more people are needed to be involved in the evaluation and ; the evaluation does not just have to focus on the technical proof or technical aspects o the system but also on the effects of the human factors in the process.
In the evaluation process it is essential to verify if the system is build correctly and if it will satisfy its purpose on the organization or institution that will utilize it; and as well as, knowing whether the system satisfies the users or not about the outcome of its search and retrieval functions.
It is important in any institution to have an effective and efficient information retrieval system-- an IRS that will truly fulfill the objectives of the organization, satisfies the needs of clienteles.
Evaluation of information retrieval system is very important, and this has to be done regularly in order for the organization to have a grasp of the possible or existing problem of the system prior to its application, hence through the tests conducted and evaluation, they could develop plan on how they could minimize the effect of the problem. Or even re-think its performance and cost-effectiveness or efficiency before they implement its application.
Moreover, since information retrieval system performance effectiveness and efficiency is something immeasurable, at the verge of evaluating the system, is important to not only focus on the technicalities related of the system but also on the existing influences of the human factors, specifically the role of the system's end user.
I realized that my role as an information service provider is crucial when it comes to providing an effective- efficiency information retrieval system. It is my responsibility to think of a way on how I can make the information on my collection accessible and usable for the users.
Now, considering the fact that not all institutions are prepared for adapting or even implementing an information retrieval system, our skills as information professionals are always put into test. It is our sole responsibility (especially for those one-man librarians – information specialist) to provide a simple retrieval system (for the meantime) to be able to have at least a retrieval system for our institution’s library collection.
Bearing in mind the essence and demand for timeless access to information, we sometimes dared to stick on devising only from what is the available resources we have (although we know that these resources would not suffice the needed support for the system that we are doing), just for us to immediately respond the clientele information needs.
Hence through this experience, I have seen the importance of a constant evaluation of IR system to be able to know the existing inadequacies, and immediately develop a plan on how to improve the system. Taking also into consideration that, prior to the application of the system, it is better that we have at least a contingency plan so that we will be able to respond immediately to the unexpected fall backs of the system.
With set criteria, we are certain that we know what areas we need to evaluate, and who will be the people involve in the evaluation of this system----- of course, it should not only be the institution’s management but most importantly, also the end-users of information.
Amidst the existing cost factors, in the end, what ever is the outcome of the IR system evaluation prior to application, it is our responsibility as information professionals to strive for the improvement and the implementation of this IR system in our institutions ( with the hope of gaining support from them, provided that we supplied proper justifications for the importance of this IRS) so we could adequately serve our clientele community.
Inside a Computer: How it Works?
Author: Shelly, G. B. (2007)
Publisher: Library Association
Title: Searching and Retrieval. Introduction to Modern Retrieval System. 4, 170-191
Author: Chowdhury, G. G. (2001)
Publisher: Library Association
Title: Information Technology. 2006 Board Review for Librarians, 6-10.
Author: Esposo, S. S. (2006)
Publisher: Institute of Library and Information Science
The process of searching starts with the user’s construction of his/her query statement based on his/her search topic and then narrow it down into concepts. But prior to the searching process, user should have at least idea on the measures to be taken during the search process. And then during the input of search query (keywords are determined, and Boolean operators are use on the search query), all symbols, images and other details are converted into binary digits (0s and 1s) in order for it to be understood and processed by the computer. Query statements that are gathered are converted and instructed in a computer through the input devices, and then the data are processed and manipulated in the CPU which controls the other parts of the computer systems while the microprocessor speeds up the process and retrieval of the information.
Once query statement is entered into the system, the computer is then instructed to find all the references in the database about the search concept. The Boolean operators play an important role during the search process.; it in the coordination of the search concepts----- with user’s familiarity of the keyword synonyms and use the Boolean operators the number of relevant document retrieved varies, it depends on how the search statement is being constructed. The results now can be too narrow or too broad, it could focus solely on one concept excluding the other concept (NOT logic), could retrieve all relevant concepts (AND logic), or relevant documents on either of the two concepts (OR logic). In an online based system, the search processing involves several communication devices that allow the transfer of information searched from one network to another; these communication devices are also the one responsible for connecting on databases that matches the concept being searched through host computers. The search results are then translated into language that human can understand, as output, and viewed through computer screens, printers, and other output devices.
First, unlike before that average person did not need to know how to use a computer, now, knowledge in computers is must to all professionals since we use it to get hold of information, evaluation of it, and to communicate it with other people.
Second, computers provided a great ease in the work processes involve in our daily life. It speeds – up most of the operations involve in our work. Hence, at present, you can already consider computer as part of commodity, especially for the academic and business community.
Lastly, since development in technology is very fast, we as information professionals should be kept informed with the use and technical aspects of these technologies, such as: knowing the different components of computers involve in information processing, because we are using it to provide and improve services for our clienteles.
Since the development and upgrades in computers is very fast, we should have familiarize ourselves with the components of computers so we could specifically identify which components need to be repaired or upgrade at times when we experienced technical problems with our computers. Although we can learn computers without knowing its technical aspects, still knowledge of its technical aspects is an advantage; knowing something about the computer can help us find and buy the right computer for our needs, and be able to maximize its use.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Boolean and Modern Info. Retrieval
Title: Computerized information searching. How to find information in science and technology. 4, 51-71.
Author: Lambert, J. & Lambert, P. (1991)
Publisher: Library Association
Title: Searching and Retrieval. Introduction to Modern Retrieval System. 4, 170-191
Author: Chowdhury, G. G. (2001)
Publisher: Library Association
Title of Article: Beyond recall and Precision: From System – Oriented to User- Oriented Evaluation
Author: Hersh, William (retrieved June 26 ’08)
URL: http://davinci.ohsu.edu/~hersh/user-studies.pdf
Title: Information Technology. 2006 Board Review for Librarians, 6-10.
Author: Esposo, S. S. (2006)
Publisher: Institute of Library and Information Science
The process of searching starts with the user’s construction of his/her query statement based on his/her search topic and then narrow it down into concepts. But prior to the searching process, user should have at least idea on the measures to be taken during the search process. And then during the input of search query (keywords are determined, and Boolean operators are use on the search query), all symbols, images and other details are converted into binary digits (0s and 1s) in order for it be understood and processed by the computer. Query statements that are gathered are converted and instructed in a computer through the input devices, and then the data are processed and manipulated in the CPU which controls the other parts of the computer systems while the microprocessor speeds up the process and retrieval of the information.
Once query statement is entered into the system, the computer is then instructed to find all the references in the database about the search concept. The Boolean operators play an important role during the search process.; it in the coordination of the search concepts----- with user’s familiarity of the keyword synonyms and use the Boolean operators the number of relevant document retrieved varies, it depends on how the search statement is being constructed. The results now can be too narrow or too broad, it could focus solely on one concept excluding the other concept (NOT logic), could retrieve all relevant concepts (AND logic), or relevant documents on either of the two concepts (OR logic). In an online based system, the search processing involves several communication devices that allow the transfer of information searched from one network to another; these communication devices are also the one responsible for connecting on databases that matches the concept being searched through host computers. The search results are then translated into language that human can understand, as output, and viewed through computer screens, printers, and other output devices.
The things that I learned from what I have read:
First, knowledge of the effective search strategy is a must for a researcher. And knowing at least the basics of Boolean operators is a great advantage, and could help minimize the cost of searching. Second, although the Boolean searching is widely used on most computer- based system it still has its limitations especially with regard to the relevance of retrieve references---some of the retrieved references are not relevant to the user; and at the end of the search process its still the users that decides which material among the retrieved relevant by the system are said to be relevant on his/her evaluation. Lastly, in some cases that although the user is familiar with the Boolean operators, his/her understanding about the concept of his/her research is still the major influencing factor of the retrieval result since the user is the one providing the key concepts, and the Boolean operators functions only as connectors that coordinates the concepts provided by the users.
It is important for information specialist like to at least have knowledge in Boolean operators which will definitely help me in adapting with the modern retrieval system. Familiarity with the Boolean operators and key concepts of data searching will be a great advantage for someone working on a library (like me) to immediately assist library clienteles on doing web-based research, and other computer based systems. It can limit the time cost needed for just searching for relevant references. But of course, prior to the search process I should know the details of the client information need to be able to apply a more effective search strategy.

Author: Webster
Publisher: Geddes and Grosset
Title: ILIS Board Review: Computer Application Lecture, 2006
Author: Esposo, S.S.
Publisher: Institute of Library and Information Science
Title: Information Science and Information Technology, retrieved on June 25, 2008
Author: Wikipedia
URL: http://en.wikipedia.ord/wiki/information science
Title: Information Science, retrieved on June 25, 2008
Author: Saracevic, Tefko
URL: http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/~tefko/JASIS1999.pdf
Information science as defined is the science that is concerned with the gathering and manipulating, classification, storage, and retrieval of recorded knowledge, how information is collected, organized, processed and communicated (ILIS Board review, 2006)
From its definition, we may deduce an explanation of information science as the “scientific and exact” study of information, its processes, and how it is communicated through human interaction. The processes involve starts from the phase of identifying the information needed, gathering and organizing it, retrieval, and giving it to the clientele for its application into useful information.
The use of the term “science” in the definition denotes that the methods and practices involve in the field is “complex and systematic”Something that follows specialized principles, technique or skill.
It studies the application and usage of knowledge in organizations and the interaction between people, organizations and information systems. It is actually a broad, interdisciplinary field of studies , incorporating not only aspects of computer science, but also mathematics, library science, cognitive science, and the social sciences (Wikipedia, 2008). Since the computer science studies involve “information system”, and information system aspect is an area of Information Technology we may say that the Information Technology is part of the Information Science Studies and cannot be separated from it.
Information science and Information Technology goes hand in hand since both fields are fueled with the vast and fast development in technological advances. Developments in the society signal increase in the production and demand of information since there would be more diversified human skills and interests; and more technological advancements in computers, gadgets, and electronic engines. Fast phased development, demands for an easy access, fast retrieval and timeless delivery of needed information from one point to another that will only be possible with the aid of good information systems generated by information technology.
If I will relate this IT definition to the definition of Information science I stated above, we may say that Information technology deals with the “technological/ computer aspect of the system”; and the “application of computers and computer software to the field of library science”. While Information Science gives and support the content as wells as the organization for that particular computer system; It focuses on a particular problem or need and then applying technologies as needed rather than the specific technological aspect.
Ex: database and computer networks (computer system):
Role of Information Technology
Record on the database, its purpose and how data will be organized:
role of Information Science
But in either way, the important things that link both fields of study (Information Science and Information Technology) are they both use “information”, and “technology”. And there comes a point that these two fields would work together, especially in the aspect of automation –-- digitization in the library.