Saturday, July 5, 2008

Boolean and Modern Info. Retrieval

MODERN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL-Inside a Computer: How it Works?Critique on: Boolean Search and Retrieval

Title: Computerized information searching. How to find information in science and technology. 4, 51-71.
Author: Lambert, J. & Lambert, P. (1991)
Publisher: Library Association

Title: Searching and Retrieval. Introduction to Modern Retrieval System. 4, 170-191
Author: Chowdhury, G. G. (2001)
Publisher: Library Association

Title of Article: Beyond recall and Precision: From System – Oriented to User- Oriented Evaluation
Author: Hersh, William (retrieved June 26 ’08)

Title: Information Technology. 2006 Board Review for Librarians, 6-10.
Author: Esposo, S. S. (2006)
Publisher: Institute of Library and Information Science


The process of searching starts with the user’s construction of his/her query statement based on his/her search topic and then narrow it down into concepts. But prior to the searching process, user should have at least idea on the measures to be taken during the search process. And then during the input of search query (keywords are determined, and Boolean operators are use on the search query), all symbols, images and other details are converted into binary digits (0s and 1s) in order for it be understood and processed by the computer. Query statements that are gathered are converted and instructed in a computer through the input devices, and then the data are processed and manipulated in the CPU which controls the other parts of the computer systems while the microprocessor speeds up the process and retrieval of the information.

Once query statement is entered into the system, the computer is then instructed to find all the references in the database about the search concept. The Boolean operators play an important role during the search process.; it in the coordination of the search concepts----- with user’s familiarity of the keyword synonyms and use the Boolean operators the number of relevant document retrieved varies, it depends on how the search statement is being constructed. The results now can be too narrow or too broad, it could focus solely on one concept excluding the other concept (NOT logic), could retrieve all relevant concepts (AND logic), or relevant documents on either of the two concepts (OR logic). In an online based system, the search processing involves several communication devices that allow the transfer of information searched from one network to another; these communication devices are also the one responsible for connecting on databases that matches the concept being searched through host computers. The search results are then translated into language that human can understand, as output, and viewed through computer screens, printers, and other output devices.


The things that I learned from what I have read:

First, knowledge of the effective search strategy is a must for a researcher. And knowing at least the basics of Boolean operators is a great advantage, and could help minimize the cost of searching. Second, although the Boolean searching is widely used on most computer- based system it still has its limitations especially with regard to the relevance of retrieve references---some of the retrieved references are not relevant to the user; and at the end of the search process its still the users that decides which material among the retrieved relevant by the system are said to be relevant on his/her evaluation. Lastly, in some cases that although the user is familiar with the Boolean operators, his/her understanding about the concept of his/her research is still the major influencing factor of the retrieval result since the user is the one providing the key concepts, and the Boolean operators functions only as connectors that coordinates the concepts provided by the users.


It is important for information specialist like to at least have knowledge in Boolean operators which will definitely help me in adapting with the modern retrieval system. Familiarity with the Boolean operators and key concepts of data searching will be a great advantage for someone working on a library (like me) to immediately assist library clienteles on doing web-based research, and other computer based systems. It can limit the time cost needed for just searching for relevant references. But of course, prior to the search process I should know the details of the client information need to be able to apply a more effective search strategy.


Title: Webster’s universal dictionary, 2004
Author: Webster
Publisher: Geddes and Grosset

Title: ILIS Board Review: Computer Application Lecture, 2006
Author: Esposo, S.S.
Publisher: Institute of Library and Information Science

Title: Information Science and Information Technology, retrieved on June 25, 2008
Author: Wikipedia
URL: http://en.wikipedia.ord/wiki/information science

Title: Information Science, retrieved on June 25, 2008
Author: Saracevic, Tefko



Information science as defined is the science that is concerned with the gathering and manipulating, classification, storage, and retrieval of recorded knowledge, how information is collected, organized, processed and communicated (ILIS Board review, 2006)

From its definition, we may deduce an explanation of information science as the “scientific and exact” study of information, its processes, and how it is communicated through human interaction. The processes involve starts from the phase of identifying the information needed, gathering and organizing it, retrieval, and giving it to the clientele for its application into useful information.

The use of the term “science” in the definition denotes that the methods and practices involve in the field is “complex and systematic”Something that follows specialized principles, technique or skill.

It studies the application and usage of knowledge in organizations and the interaction between people, organizations and information systems. It is actually a broad, interdisciplinary field of studies , incorporating not only aspects of computer science, but also mathematics, library science, cognitive science, and the social sciences (Wikipedia, 2008). Since the computer science studies involve “information system”, and information system aspect is an area of Information Technology we may say that the Information Technology is part of the Information Science Studies and cannot be separated from it.

Information science and Information Technology goes hand in hand since both fields are fueled with the vast and fast development in technological advances. Developments in the society signal increase in the production and demand of information since there would be more diversified human skills and interests; and more technological advancements in computers, gadgets, and electronic engines. Fast phased development, demands for an easy access, fast retrieval and timeless delivery of needed information from one point to another that will only be possible with the aid of good information systems generated by information technology.

As shown in above (diagram 1), I considered information technology as part of the library science field of studies. There is a direct link between library science and information technology since I believe that these fields should always be kept updated and informed about the existing development in their areas and as well as in the technological advancements (as shown in diagram 2).

Moving on to definition of Information Technology as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware." IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information (Wikipedia, 2008). While it is defined as an application of computers, softwares, Internet and telecommunication technology to the management, processing and dissemination of information; it provides engine used to drive useful information systems (ILIS Board Review, 2006)
If I will relate this IT definition to the definition of Information science I stated above, we may say that Information technology deals with the “technological/ computer aspect of the system”; and the “application of computers and computer software to the field of library science”. While Information Science gives and support the content as wells as the organization for that particular computer system; It focuses on a particular problem or need and then applying technologies as needed rather than the specific technological aspect.

Ex: database and computer networks (computer system):
Role of Information Technology

Record on the database, its purpose and how data will be organized:
role of Information Science

But in either way, the important things that link both fields of study (Information Science and Information Technology) are they both use “information”, and “technology”. And there comes a point that these two fields would work together, especially in the aspect of automation –-- digitization in the library.